Mine sisu juurde

Kasutaja:Märt Põder

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.
Allikas: Vikitekstid

I have an academic background in philosophy, education and informatics. I am an activist with broad range of interests and I'm current/former board member of ISOC Estonia, Open Knowledge Estonia, Wikimedia Estonia, Pirate Party Estonia and for couple of years I have been community radio host for Generaadio as well as been part of political campaigns on information society and trade policy issues in municipal as well as European level. I'm on various digital networks starting from Fidonet in early 1990s and been part of Open Source and hacking scene and all the aesthetics, ethics that comes packaged with all the benefits and problems. I happen to embrace some digital and analogue literacy and speak some English, German, Japanese, Russian, Finnish and maybe occasionally read some French and Ancient Greek. I have never studied Latin and my Italian is horrible.

You can find my preferred contacts on Estonian Wikipedia.